The Brentwood Ursuline Alumnae Society (BUAS) is an organisation which provides all past pupils and staff of BUCHS with an opportunity to get together and remember, with some fond memories, their days at the school. Well, our members certainly relish the chance to revisit old friendships and haunts of those days in their past!
All our members hold the school very dear in their hearts and appreciate the chance to maintain contact with a place that has had such a significant and formative influence in their lives. So many value and appreciate the education they received at the ‘UHS’, as some of us called it. It is an unchanging point of contact and shared memory in our busy, modern, everyday lives.
Our members include all ages – from those who were studying in the 1940s during the Second World War - up to those who have left quite recently.
For about 5 years now, we have been giving pin badges to the Year 13s (Upper 6th form to some of us) to try and encourage them to join us after a few years, once they are settled in to a job or complete University.
Over time, the Society has undergone several incarnations. For many years we were known as the ‘Old Girls’ Association’ then ‘The Fairview Society’ and most recently, the ‘Brentwood Ursuline Alumnae Society’ (BUAS). With the increasing use of mobile technology, we want to reflect that we are moving with the times and embracing the easy methods of communication provided by the internet and Facebook. However, we do still publish an annual ‘Fairview Chronicle’ which can be obtained by email but also in paper form if requested. Please email or write to the school if you would like a paper copy.
BUAS holds an annual reunion at the school, usually every May, meeting up with old school friends and wandering around the school. The reunion starts in the main hall with an interesting speaker and singing the School Song. Next is a delicious afternoon tea, drawing the raffle, (funds to go to a school project,) and a chance to catch up with old friends.
As 2025 is the 125th Anniversary of the School, we are meeting on SATURDAY 26TH APRIL to coincide with the school's anniversary event.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Ruth Westrip (née Richards, 1966-1973)
Chair, BUAS