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Stay In Touch

BUCHS' DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN, and a warm welcome awaits alumnae.

In 1900 Mother Clare arrived in Brentwood with some fellow nuns, to establish a Catholic school. According to the author of ‘They That Build’ by J. B. Dockery, “Mother Clare possessed a strong personality, but it was a strength tempered with gentleness and a great understanding of human nature. Because of these gifts many people sought her help and advice, which she was always ready to give liberally, no matter how busy she might be. How often she would say to her community, “My door is always open.”

Today, more than one hundred years on, the school community that Mother Clare founded continues to grow and her spirit lives on through past staff and students who have been part of the Brentwood Ursuline.

If you attended the Brentwood Ursuline and would like to reconnect with the school community, then do get in touch.  Do let us know what you have done since leaving the Ursuline, along with any special memories that you have of your time at the school. Also, any photos that you are happy to share would be most welcome.

Lastly, if you would like to receive a copy of the half-termly school newsletter or The Fairview Chronicle, for news of Alumnae events, then do let us know by emailing your request to:

We look forward to hearing from you.