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Prayer & Liturgy


Prayer forms a key part of life at Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School. Each day begins with prayer during form time and assemblies, grounding our students and staff in the knowledge that we are gathered together in God.  We pray and support each other in times of need. Staff pray the Divine Office every Thursday morning.  

In form time, each student has the opportunity to lead prayer for the class. Students can either write their own prayer or lead a common prayer with a wide range of intentions from the Catholic tradition. Every student is supported in deepening their own prayer life. Key prayers are included in the school planner as we recognise that not all of our students come from a Catholic tradition and need support in learning these. We also have online resources and guides to help every student take part. 

In addition to prayer in class, students are welcome to join the weekly prayer group led by our Chaplain in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. During October and May, students have the opportunity to pray the Rosary as a group. 

Prayer provision for other faiths 

Staff and students of other faiths are welcomed into our school community. During holy festivals or times of weekly prayer, the Main Chapel is used as a dedicated space for students and staff to pray.  

Celebration of Mass 

Liturgical life is an integral part of our coming together as a Catholic community. There are three important Ursuline Feast Days; the Feast of St Ursula (21st October,) the Feast of St Angela (27th January) and Foundation Day (23rd April.) Mass is celebrated in Brentwood Cathedral on these occasions.  We also celebrate Mass on Holy Days of Obligation, Year 7 Welcome Mass and Mass or Celebrations of the Word to mark the beginning and end of each term.  Further, there are 'House Masses' celebrated in school which are prepared and led by House Captains and prefects. 

Our students are fully involved in the planning of Masses and Liturgies. They certainly enrich our collective worship by reading, singing, dancing and serving. 


Year group assemblies take place every week and are led by the school Chaplain, Head of Year or SLT staff member. These are supported by students through prayer and music. Assemblies are themed around our Ursuline Virtues as well as the liturgical year. 

House Assemblies are led by the House prefect team, Head of House and form groups.  

Every assembly is an opportunity for students and staff to pray together with scripture at the centre. 


Our Prayer and Liturgy Policy can be viewed here.