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Chaplaincy Team

Role of the Chaplain 

Brentwood Ursuline is fortunate to have a full-time Lay Chaplain. Ms. Gillespie has worked as a Chaplain for ten years in both secondary and primary education and has over 20 years of youth work experience. The Chaplain is responsible for creating a range of prayer and liturgy encounters for all students and staff, including prayer, services, reflections and retreats. She also liaises with our Ursuline sister schools, Brentwood Catholic Youth Service and Brentwood Diocese. 

Pastoral Support 

One of the key roles of the Chaplain is to provide pastoral support (click on this link to learn more about pastoral support) to the school community. The Chaplain is available for all students and staff from all faiths and none as a listening ear. You can book an appointment by speaking to your Head of Year. 

There is a ‘Worry Box’ outside the Chaplain’s office for students to write about any concern they may have.  

Chaplaincy Timetable 

The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is open every day for staff and students to spend time in reflection and prayer. 

Alongside this, staff and students are welcome to join the Chaplain at other times: 

Monday lunchtime: Meditation Monday 

Thursday before school: Staff morning prayer 

Friday breaktime: Student morning prayer 

Friday lunchtime: Serviam Group 

October and May before school: Prayer of the Rosary 

Liturgy Leaders  

Each form class has a designated Liturgy Representative to lead and coordinate the tutor time prayer each day. Ms. Gillespie, the School Chaplain, meets with them periodically to support them in their role; they work with their Form Tutor and other members of the form to help make prayer a central part of registration. 

In addition, the Liturgy Leaders are responsible for updating the form board display with UEC resources made during 'Insieme' tutor activities.  

Liturgy Leaders are led by the Liturgy Prefect, who is part of the VI Form Prefect Team. The Liturgy Prefect supports the Chaplain during key Masses and Celebrations of the Word, represents the school in both Sixth Form and Whole School Chaplaincy activities and supports the Serviam Group in key charity events. 

Altar Servers 

Students in Years 7 and 8 are invited to train to be an Altar Server. Ms. Gillespie runs a course over six weeks to help them understand the importance of their role and prepare them to carry out this important task. 

Students are then blessed by the local Parish Priest as they then serve during our school masses during their time as an Ursuline student. 

If your child would like to train to be an Altar Server, they should visit Ms. Gillespie at the start of the academic year.