Background Information
Welcome from the governors of The Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School. The role of the Governing Body is to maintain high standards by setting targets for school improvement, assist in the development of strategy, and help sustain the school's good standing in the local community. We have a range of powers and responsibilities which we are legally required to carry out.
We are immensely proud to be involved in a learning community that aims to encourage and promote the desire in each individual student to achieve his or her best. We are fortunate to have teachers and support staff who are caring, committed, and extremely hard-working as well as highly supportive parents and students that are motivated, friendly and well-mannered.
As part of our responsibility for ensuring that BUCHS is a safe, secure environment for its students and staff, the governors take an active interest in all areas of school life. By working closely with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team, and through listening to the views of staff, students, parents and carers, we strive to make decisions that result in the best possible education for all of our students.
Governors are appointed from within the school and the local community and Diocese, so they have knowledge of the school and the population it serves. Membership consists of the Headteacher, Foundation Governors, Parent Governors, Staff Governors, and Community Governors.
The Governing Body meets on a monthly basis, and a full list of the current members appears below. Some of our work is carried out by working groups, each of which report to the full Board. All governors are required to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check on appointment and are provided with training on induction and throughout their term of office to ensure a full understanding of their role and responsibilities.
In our most recent Ofsted Inspection (October 2017,) Governance was described as follows:
‘Governance at Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School is strong. The governing body is led with expertise and understanding. As a consequence, governors are able to challenge and commend in equal measure. Together with your leadership team and staff, they are highly ambitious for the social and academic success of each pupil. Governors visit the school regularly and have an accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for development.’
If you wish to contact the Governing Body, you may do so by contacting the school at the following email address : Clerk to the Governors at
Governing Body:
Name | Role |
Mr T Kemp | Chairperson |
Mr E O'Riordan | Foundation Governor |
Mr M Butcher | Foundation Governor |
Ms S Appiah-Bimpong | Foundation Governor |
Mrs A M Staff | Foundation Governor |
Dr A Walker-Cook | Foundation Governor |
Fr John Harvey | Foundation Governor |
Mrs S Harbott | Staff Governor |
Mr D Sammy | Parent Governor |
Mr A Mudangwe | Parent Governor |
Mr S Baptist | Parent Governor |
Dr R Wilkin | Headteacher |
The Chairperson of the Governing Body is Mr T. Kemp c/o Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School, Queen's Road, Brentwood, Essex CM14 4EX.
Click here for Trustee and Member information.
Governor Attendance: